Friday 16 January 2015

Well this wasn't as planned... - Lollie

Hi It's me again! (Lollie... Incase you didn't know)
And as the title says - it's that time of week again. You should be lucky I named it that, it was going to be 'Crime-fighting, inter-species lesbian couple' or 'Sontaran Conversion'.
Why you ask? Well, ladies and gentleman, fellow Whovians everywhere - I have converted my sister to a who-loving, strax-adoring Whovian. All it took was one watch of 'Deep Breath' and 'Crimson Horror' and suddenly she was quoting The Doctor and particularly Strax, laughing and the funny bits and also drawing Madame Vastra! (This is the drawing she did for me, she's only 11 bless her)
Then she ask me to draw Madame Vastra:
Which then led to the download of multiple Vastra and Jenny pictures because come on - how can you not ship crime-fighting, inter-species, lesbian spouses consisting of a lizard women fro the dawn of time and a Victorian chamber maid from London with their pet potato who also happens to be an ex-leader of an iter-galactic Sontaran battle fleet who gets over excited at the use of weapons?
Anyway, I would pay a good amount of money to watch The Paternoster gang's spin-off tv show. I would love it! MOFFAT you need to do this.
They also need to come back in Series 9 of not, I will be very disappointed as I feel they should be in more episodes than they have been already.

Overall I just wanted to let you all know about this development and I hope you all had a good week and I hope you have an amazing week ahead I'll see you next Friday!

Until next time, Allons-y! 
Lollie xoxo

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