Sunday 4 January 2015

I'm back! Happy new year!

So it's official! I'm back! That's summer by the way. Sorry for the disappearing act last Sunday. But I can safely say school work is taking over my life and I hate it!

Not only did I get a ton of Christmas work to do I also have mock exams when I go back to school tomorrow. But being our school is under building work and has been for the past god knows how long- our library will finally be back! I sound nerdy saying that I know, however, it is the one place that I can get a substantial amount of work done without getting wildly distracted.

Enough on the topic of school though, most of us still have the rest of today until going back, other than those lucky ones who have more time off.

So, it's a new year and for the majority of us we will end up writing '2014' for an adequate amount of time into the foreseeable future. A new year means a new start in some way doesn't it?

When this popped into my head I thought to myself: 'well- what's my new start then?' A question most people will think about every year. So what is my new start? My new start is pushing myself to my limits.

In giving myself this goal I have broaded how and where I succeed in 2015. My main goals are to work as hard as I can on my AS levels to ensure I get good grades that are recognisable and to become a 'louder' less shy person. The reason behind the second aim is because I have always been the quiet person in the big crowd, it's time for a change. Not only because my boyfriend and his family are quite loud (I don't want to drown in the corner) but also because being the quiet person becomes boring at some points.

On another different subject I got a new phone after my last one died two days after Christmas. I have now upgraded from an iPhone 4 to a 5C in blue. I would just like to point out that even though it is not the newest iPhone out, it is a great phone to have and I highly recommend it and now know at least one person with the same phone in each colour.

That's all from me for now until next Sunday (fingers crossed), this post was brought to you from the rail replacement bus service. 5 hours long instead of 3!

Have a great week!
With love
Summer xoxo

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