Monday 27 April 2015

Random question tag!!

Hey guys,

So as I was writing my as philosophy paper this evening I was thinking about what I could possibly write about for today's post and then it hit me! I could do a question tag so you guys could ,earn more about me. So here we go😁

1. 6  of the songs your listening to at the moment 
Fair game-Sia
Big girls cry-Sia 
Free the animals-Sia
Heart of stone-IKO
Wonderland- Taylor Swift  

2.what does your latest text message from someone else say?
 The last text I had was from my mum today telling me she was "leaving now.xx", when she was coming to pick me up from sixth form. 

3. Do you have any strange fears?
The other girls can back me up for this one but I have this irrational fear of being late and I'm slightly OCD when it comes to the time at sixth form; I can't be late and have to leave early to go to lessons and my other strange fear is I hate people touching my knees and lower legs down to my feet; when I was younger my sister would cling onto my legs until I cry...

4. What's your religion ?
I actually am christened but I don't go to church; I do believe in a God and do think he created our world and watches over us.

5. Favourite band? 

You me and six

6. What is your tumblr URL and what does it mean?

My tumblr is 'thepissedoffgriaffe' and it is based on LOST, when Hurley is trying to find an explanation for the monster noises. you drive? 

No, I don't drive mainly because I'm not old enough because in the UK you have to be seventeen and I'm not seventeen until July but also I'm not going to straight away because I'm too scared. 

8. Where were you yesterday?

I was at my caravan yesterday which is on a caravan site and I own a static, three bedroom caravan which I love x

9. Favourite brand of makeup 

I really like maybelline  and seventeen 

10. Favourite flower?

Wow, I really don't have a favourite flower but it has to be colourful 

11. Heel or flats?

It really depends on the occasion but I do like both

12. Favourite colours 

Yellow, purple and lime green

13.whats your star sign?

I'm born in July so I'm the cancer star sigh which is a water symbol and also a crab, my birth stone is also ruby, you want to get married?

I think one day when I'm older I will want to get married- I think a small wedding would be nice.

15. All time favourite film?

The holiday and ghost

16.what phone do you have?

I have an iPhone 5C in yellow

17. Pinterest or tumblr?

OMG, don't even get me started with these two, I think I'm equally addicted to both but at least Pinterest is cute and filled with dresses and crafts while tumblr is simple a dark scary hole that will swallow you alive. All in all I love both,

18. What colour is your room?

My room is a lime green with a darker green on one wall.

19.whats your middle name?


20. Where do you want to go traveling in the future? 

1. Australia 
3. America 
5. Canada

That's all for this week, so you next week 

Love Belle x

Saturday 25 April 2015

5 sentence stories - Lollie

Hello Earthlings, welcome back to another post from me, one day late... I'm sorry

Yesterday, while sat in McDonalds, my sister was telling me about this things she's doing in school called 5 sentence stories. The first sentence must start with 'Once Upon a Time',  the second must start with 'One day', the third must start with 'Unfortunately', the fourth must start with 'Luckily' and the last one must start with 'Eventually'. Overall, the story must end with 'The End'.

So, I thought I'd try and give it a go and see what I could come up with:

Once Upon a Time, there was a mad man in a box called The Doctor. One Day, he landed in London and met a girl called Rose Tyler. Unfortunately, London was being taken over by plastic autons disguised as window shop dummies and Rose and The Doctor got captured. Luckily, Rose had gotten her bronze gymnastic medal and she managed to knock the anti plastic into the nesteen consciousness, killing all the plastic autons. Eventually, they saved the world and The Doctor invited Rose to go travelling in Time and Space with him and here, I would usually write 'The End' but for them, it was only just the beginning...

So in this story I basically managed to described the events of 'Rose' in 5 sentences. Now here's 'The Eleventh Hour' in 5 sentences:

Once Upon a Time, there was a a young Scottish girl who lived in Ledworth named Amelia Pond. One day, a raggedy man in a blue box, landed in her garden and ate fish fingers and custard with her in her kitchen. Unfortunately, he went away, he promised her only 5 minutes - he was wrong, he took 12 years to come back and when Amelia told everyone about this raggedy man, no one believed her and they dismissed him as an imaginary friend. Luckily, the raggedy Doctor returned to her, 12 years later than he promised, but still in time to save the world from the Atraxi and prisoner zero and to try and take care of the crack in Amy's wall. Eventually, The Doctor got rid of them and he saved the planet, inviting Amelia to come travelling with him, just one trip she said as in the morning, she had something important to do.

My next story is my own:

Once Upon a Time there lived a princess who was told she couldn't do anything other than what her title entitled her to do. One day, she crept out of the castle (which was forbidden), to explore the near by village in which her father ruled over. Unfortunately, while she was outside of the castle walls, she stumbled across some rather rude individuals - no one said hello or smiled at her in the street as her books had foretold. Luckily, the princess did meet one girl who said hello and smiled and was incredibly polite to her, she explained to the princess that times had changed since those books had been written and lots of people had become hostile and rude. Eventually, the princess returned to her castle, exhausted and a little confused at the contents of her escapade, wondering if she would ever be able to go back to a time when people weren't so cold and hard and shut off from everybody else.

I feel like these five word sentences are a great way to review movies or tv shows or episodes and books so I might try to do that in the future...

Sorry it's been short but -
Until Next Time - Allons-y!
Lollie x

Friday 17 April 2015

How To Concert: My 10 Concert Essentials - Lollie

Hello! It's Lollie here!
It's less then a week now until I see Luke Friend and I have to say I am very excited about it. I've seen him multiple times before but never at his own show as this is his first tour, I can't wait!

I thought, because I am attending a concert next week and I go to a lot of concerts, I'd take you through my 10 concert essentials!

  1. The Ticket - You cannot get in without this. DO NOT FORGET THE TICKET. I have done this before, however the security were nice enough to check my booking and let me in, however, I can't guarantee that this will happen for everyone so make sure you have your tickets to get in.
  2. Phone with battery, a decent amount of storage for photo taking - I cannot express how many times I have been to a concert and I've either run out of phone battery or storage and have been unable to take any more pictures. 
  3. Portable chargers - December 2013, when I was hanging out in the hotel reception of the Hilton in Wembley to meet Luke, I had to charge my phone up using the extension cord that the massive Christmas tree was plugged into, to keep my phone charger. For Christmas I received a portable phone charger and oh my gosh it saves lives well... Battery. Now there are three types. The Phone Case chargers which range from about 5 pound to 15 pound on Ebay. If you want one that lasts longer, buy the more expensive one, it's worth it. The charger sticks are usually about 15 pound found on Ebay and at all good Tech shops and the third type is the charger block which can rang from 10-15 pound.
  4. An over the shoulder with purse and essentials inside - Trust me, I know over the shoulder bags don't always look the best but they are the most comfortable bags to have at a concert if you don't want to part with your possessions or pay the amount to put them in the cloak room. You need one that is big enough to contain: your purse, your ticket, you phone and charger equipment, any drink/food you want and any other things that you need for the concert. It needs to be small enough, however, for you to be able to jump around and not cause people around you any harm (I've had this happen to me, it's the worst). 
  5. A hair band - either take one with you or just wear your hair up. It can get really sweaty at standing concerts and when you are packed in, the worst thing you want is someone's hair hitting you in the face and going in your mouth (I've had this happen to me before too...). Also, a hair band will prevent you from getting sweat and over-heated.
  6. (meet and greet onlyyour fans letters, presents, scrapbooks, cakes, teddy whatever you have to give to your sunshine - Make sure you have all of this and that its is in order and ready to just hand over as some meet and greet can be very rushed and there will be no time for you to stand and tell the artist what their presents are from you.
  7. (Q and A Questions - Don't go into a Q and A with nothing to ask. Yes others may have questions, but don't count on it, be prepared and have some ready to ask!
  8. Soundcheck )  Enthusiasm - Have a smile on your face and don't be afraid to put up your hand as you never know what could happen, your bae might invite you to sing on stage with them for the soundcheck, you never know. Also, enthusiasm gets you noticed, so does a big smile.
  9. A comfortable outfit - My usually concert attire consists of leggings, boots that don't hurt if I wear them too long (always flat shoes. No one wants to jump around or stand in heels for two and a half hours), a cardigan, - no coats because, yes, you might be cold queuing outside but once you get in, you either have to keep your coat on and sweat to death, have your coat on your person and cause inconvenience for those standing around you or pay the amount to have it stored in the cloakroom - a t-shirt that has the artist on it or because I am going to see Luke, maybe a grungy shirt... and the bag obviously.
  10. Last but, not least, a drink of water - There have been way too many standing concerts that I have attended where people have passed out, collapsed and been taken over the barrier by security, because of heat exhaustion and dehydration due to the amount of people in such a small space and the amount of shoving and pushing that goes on (don't shove or push... it's not great and no one wants to feel like they are going to fall over or be push to the floor). A small bottle of water to take with you to drink while there is great because not only does in hydrate you, your throat will most likely be sore and dry from screaming and singing and shouting so it cools and soothes the throat. At some concerts, depending on the venue and security staff, have security at the front who pass plastic cups of cold water back through the crowd to keep everyone hydrated and to reduce the amount of people passing out.
I hope this helps anyone attending any concerts in the future!

Until Next Time - Allons-y!
Lollie xxx

Friday 10 April 2015

How to be a Better Human Being - Why the apparently 'unnecessary' culling of idiocy IS necessary - Lollie

It seems the title of this may be a sign post as to the mood I have been experiencing recently.
This world, is unnecessarily filled with small minded, completely un-compelling (am I using these words right?) people. People who feel that they must always be right, people who feel that anything that is out of their views and beliefs in the slightest should be abolished.

Now I have a friend. Me and my friend, we're rather a like, we share the same views on a large number of things and we are both considered 'different' in the eyes of most, but, is this really a crime?
With the amount of people breaking away from social norms these day, surely you'd think our society would have started to accept something that's different...
Apparently not.

I know there are so many people out there that support people who aren't afraid to be themselves and not conform to society's gruelling standards, however, it seems those with rather pessimistic, ridiculing views are glorified more than those who are trying to lead an example for our future generations.
The amount of narrow minded, insolent human beings I come across is astonishing and I can't help but weep for our future if they are what we glorify.

I've always been told by others (I preach this all the time) You must never judge someone until you either get to know them or live in their shoes. Sadly, I feel this message has failed to reach small minorities in the world who still feel that they can judge people just because they are unalike from them.

This angers me how insincere these people are to others feelings too and then the pass off their hateful stabs as banter No. No no no, no. How many suicides does it take for people like that to realise that it isn't just banter? What you say matters and can in no way shape or form be accepted as banter by the person receiving the verbal and emotional abuse.

I'm truly sorry for this rant I'm embarking on in this post but there are sooo many things that I need to address and I'm starting to wonder why culling or decimating (wonderful word...) idiotic imbeciles is a bad thing (I'm obviously not going to cull them. It's more a figure of speech, more stamping them and their negative views out than killing them all because that's blatantly illegal)

I'm different from you and I'm sure you're different from me and yes we are entitled to our opinions but perhaps some opinions should've been stamped out in the dark ages... Or should be kept to yourself in order to stop this prejudice and derision and stop people who are seen as anomalies, derogating into something they are not to feel accepted.

I have a story to tell: (completely fictional by the way)

Once Upon a Time, there was boy. He wasn't like me and you, he was what some would call strange or weird or perhaps a 'freak' even. The boy, he grew up in solitude, he rarely spoke for fear of being told to shut up or being hit. He was a was verbally and physically abused by most and he didn't really have any friends. As time went on the boy grew into a man, a man full of hatred and a heart full of cold and darkness. He had problems, psychologically, due to the things that had happened in his childhood and now, not only was he called a freak, he was medically classed as one. Was it his fault? No, not at all. Those narrow minded people, if they had opened up their minds and accepted him for who he was, he wouldn't feel like such a disappointment in the eyes of society. He is what you might class as a psychopath but that, that's societies fault. The more you ridicule someone, the deeper it goes until one day, they are going to feel like they really are a load of rubbish. 
The man now, still lived in solitude, did reckless things and constantly felt horrible about himself . His only escape was to know that there was one woman out there who didn't care and accepted him for him because, they were almost alike. She saw in his heart what those narrow minded people had failed to see years before. If there had only been someone like her in his childhood, maybe he would have turned out differently, but, he wouldn't wish it differently. He was who he iswqs because of society - a perfect product of a corrupt environment and perfect to showcase why a cull is in order.

You're a guy and you like guys? Great
You're a girl and you like girls? Great
You're a guy and you like a bit of both? Wonderful
You're a guy but you like a dominate woman? Good for you, it doesn't make you any less of a man
You're a woman who won't mind submitting to a man and doing anything he says? Do it. Doesn't make you any less of a woman
Like kink? Why the hell not. It's what matters to you.
A little bit different form anyone you know, like anime or gothic clothing or guys with peircings? Don't like the latest pop group and would rather listen to a heavy metal band instead? Fine.
There is always going to be someone out there who shares your views on things and share your likes and more commonly now, your dislikes. You will meet someone who's into the same thing as you and who feels the same way. Do not let the people who don't stop you from finding those who do.

I really hope this made some kind of sense... I'm ranting and rambling to my hearts content I know and Bri usually does the ranting on here and she's a lot better at it than me but,I really do hope I got the positive message across about being who you are, cutting out the negative comments on people just because they are different and keeping your head up, liking what you like and keep doing what you do., because at the end of the day, people come and go in your life, from point A, your birth to point B, your death you're going to meet hundreds of people. Some will be there for the long run and if they are then great and some won't be, which is equally okay. Just remember, don't change for the people who will only stay temporially because, when you do change and the leave, you're stuck with who you became to appease them.

Until Next Time - Allons-y!
Lollie xxxx

Sunday 5 April 2015

Lollie's brain: *groans* it's April?!

Well hey there!

First off I want to apologise for this mix and match schedule we've all been doing, I guess that sixth form is truly taking hold of us all now and there's not much time for anything else but work, work,work.

Secondly, I'm in Cyprus! I flew out to Cyprus on my own to see my dad this Easter (Happy Ostara by the way) and it was one of the best experiences ever. If you are feeling like no one in your life believes you can do things on your own, I strongly recommend doing something like flying by yourself or getting the train to some place in the UK on your own with friends. I was a little bit worried about it at first but it was a breeze. I've been to airports pretty much every year of my life so I know what I'm doing, however, the security checks and countless boards flashing with flight information and having no where to sit whilst I waited for the flight, did overwhelm me slightly.
The flight itself was five and a half hours and I was (lucky) sat next to someone who slept most of the way - there is nothing worse than sitting next to stranger on a flight who wants to talk the entire flight and find out about your life story...

I've already been here a week which is scary because I don't really want to come home. I've fallen into the pattern of getting up at about 10, having my cup of tea, doing a bit of work, going out, coming home, going in the pool, laying in the sun, watching a movie and then going to bed to finally fall asleep about 2 am. Reality is going to hit me mighty hard when I touch down in the UK.

Next, I want to talk about this: 
If you are a teenager and your mind is wandering, thinking and exploring new ideas, new fashion concepts, a different attitude - don't worry and don't let anyone tell you that you're weird, not even yourself. I think it's important for people my age to realise that what ever they are thinking, trying, doing, there will ALWAYS be someone else in the world, if not close to them that is having those same thoughts or is trying that exact same thing. Don't ever assume that you are alone, but, be careful who you trust telling these thoughts too. If the person you confide in doesn't share the same views as you then it can cause conflict. Although some may say they understand and that they aren't judging you, you can tell that they are because they don't share those thoughts. Be carefully who your trust, please people, I know that I trust way too easily, it my biggest downfall, I want to make sure you don't make the same mistake. Don't feel pressured into telling someone either. Make sure before you confide in someone, that you are almost certain that they will either understand fully or at least to some degree.

One another note, I made a list the other day (I make lists for everything) about what I was going to do when I move out next year (hopefully):

- Find a job that pays well and that I enjoy to a certain to degree and can go to when I'm not at Uni. Also, the job must be able to pay for the following;
- Buy corsets and wear them because why not. I've got no one to judge my dress now and for the love of Herne buy some decent underwear woman!
- Wear mascara when I can because if I'm honest, you own way too many tubes of it for the little that you do wear 
- Buy some wig head stands and wigs because again, why not. Why dye my hair and change the style every day when I can just do that by buying a wig!
- Invest in some Steampunk clothing, corsets, accessories, household items because you've always loved it 
- Shop at charity shops, buy some random crap and up-cycle it into something incredibly useful.
- When not buying all the above, buy cosplay things and go to all the comic cons possible - MCM, LSCC, CCC, perhaps ones in America?
- Take method acting classes and don't whimp out because you aren't very social 
- Oh, and obviously focus on your degree...

Oh, Steampunk has just given me a wonderful idea for a post...

I'm going to leave you now but, before I do, I just want to let you all know (maybe you won't care), I have reached a monumental milestone in my life (I'm exaggerating), I had a cocktail last night (see, exaggerating... anti-climax right there).
It was a mango Vodka concoction made by my lovely barman friend Dane and I have to say, I liked it.

Now I'm leaving...

I may post at some point... if I feel like there's something I must post because I'm sure I've missed something out here... 

Until next time, Allons-y
Lollie xx