Sunday 18 January 2015

The bad boys are always stealing my heart...

Hey guys, 

This week I've been struggling to think of anything to post about, with all of us doing a post each day I find it hard not to copy anyone else's work.

So today I wanted to talk to you guys about the bad guys.
I know! It's so cringy but I wanted to talk to you about how when you watch a television show or even movie, your automatically drawn to the bad guys. If your sitting there and thinking 'yeah right'
Here is a picture of the most gorgeous  villan ever (in my view).

Now I don't actually know what film this is from so if you know please comment or tweet it to me!, but this fine man is Mr Tom Hiddleston, aka Loki.  Now you may not know this but in my life I'm addicted to Tv series like once upon a time, lost, supernatural and marvel, and in all of these I seem to love the villain!
For example in once I fell in love with rumplestilskin, in lost I was in love with sawyer and jin ( in the first series I guess they could count as the baddies?!) and in marvel mr loki has stolen my heart, now I want to know which bad guy or even good guy has stolen your heart so tweet me  at @the7sweethearts.
I'm not sure what it is but sometime the bad guy just seems to be the better character, becuase they have a more richer background history and you just want to hug them and never let them go! 
Now miss lollie has this man in her heart at the moment- the master! 
While ash is in love with loki as well!! 

This is it for this week from me and hopefully next week I'll have a better entry!!! 


Belle x


  1. I can relate to this <3
    I also love Rumplestilskin from Once Upon A Time, Demon from The Vampire Diaries, etc etc I agree with that these villains have more characteristics and interesting backgrounds. Those are the ones that make me like them from the beginning <3
    Lovely post, dear


    1. Hey,
      Thanks for commenting and reading, and I know! Sometimes i find the bad guy more interesting and relatable than the good guy!! I hope you enjoyed this post and continue to read, I'd love to hear from you again!❤️

      Belle xxx
