Saturday 7 February 2015

Motivation, Goals and Organising ~ Saturday's with Payton


It's Payton again, and today I feel motivated and I want to share my motivation with you! "Motivated about what?" you may ask, well today I have been motivated about cleaning, tidying, and getting organised! Yes it's been 5 and a half weeks since New Year's Day 2015, and I want to ask you how have your resolutions been going? Have you stuck to them? Have they changed your life? In these first 5 and a half weeks of 2015 or 37 days, you could have broken a habit (it only takes 21 days) and you could be a few days away from completing breaking a second habit, so have you done that yet?

I want to share with you how my new years resolutions have been going on because I feel that this year I have accomplished something big in my own eyes, wait for it............. I have remembered my new years resolutions!
Now, usually I would not have remembered them for this long, however I feel that blogging about them as made them stick in my head due to them being written down, so I thank you the wonderful readers of the blog for helping me do something so small but yet so rewarding for me!

Next onto the nitty-gritty, on what I have really achieved. My resolutions were to lose some weight, tone up, eat healthily/ try new foods, be organised and be on time. That list seemed to go on for ages, and I know for certain that I haven't achieved many of them to a high standard, but baby steps will get me and you there!

Let's start with my organisation goal seeing as I have been motivated to get organised today. I feel that I achieved some of this goal and I feel really proud about it, today was the day that I cleaned, tidied and organised under my bed, the part of the room that many (it probably includes you) that you never go in your room. 
I thoroughly suggest to you that you do this! It makes you feel amazing! To stay organised buy some cheap big plastic boxes that will fit under your bed and label them so that it stays tidy under there, you will thank me in the future when you need to find something in 6 months time!
It wasn't just organising my room that I have started to do, however I have organised school folders and I have organised my time more to get more work done in free lessons at school, so my work is done not the night before it is due!

Time for my health goals, I have set many health goals for myself this year, some of them I feel like I have achieved more than others, but we all have to start from somewhere! I admit to not doing as much exercise as I like however I have hurt my knee, which is not a good thing, but hopefully it will be able to heal properly and quickly so I can do more activities again. On a happier note, my goal with eating new foods and healthy foods has been going really well. I have been trying new foods and I am starting to like them, granted that some of them are not healthy, but at least I am trying new things! My newest foods that I love are macaroni cheese ready meal and toasting waffles! On a healthier note though, I am eating more fruits and vegetables like peppers, cucumber, carrots, blueberries and healthy foods like fish especially on a weekday. 

I would like to roundup this blog post by saying that anything can be done, if you put your mind to it, small changes, can make a big difference in your life and you will feel much happier about it too! Trust me, if I have managed to stick to my goals, I know that you can too because I am the last person to achieve a goal that has been set! Comment what New Years goals that you have set, that you have stuck to or new goals in which you wish to accomplish!

See you next Saturday!
~Payton <3

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