Friday 20 February 2015

Doctor Who Series 9 Reports (SPOILERS!) - Lollie

Hey guys, It's me Lollie being a nerd once again!

So it's been half term and if I'm honest - I haven't done a lot apart from spend a lot of money, eat too much food, binge-watch Doctor Who and tweet constantly... Woah - my life sucks. 
Well it doesn't suck fully because A) I learnt how to cook and flip pancakes successfully and B) there have been so many beautiful film set reports of series 9 of Doctor Who and so many beautiful spoilers and fan theories ^_^

So, I'm just gunna round them all up for an of you Whovians who have missed something.


Jenna is staying for all of series 9... Or is she?

As far as we've been told, Jenna Coleman is staying on as Clara Oswald as companion for the entire series 9. I saw something on Twitter earlier that indicated that Jenna was in fact attending Emerald City Comic Con in Washington - this mean that she either has a break from filming for a while, or that she is in fact not completing the full series 9 as companion. This is just my opinion but I think that she's probably staying for the whole series.

The new series will return in autumn 2015

Okay, this one - I have a bone to pick... Whatever happened to series starting in April? 'Rose' (the first episode of New Who, Series 1) back in 2005, was aired on March 26th and The Eleventh Hour (first episode of Series 5) was aired April 3rd 2010. I do know why the series started airing again in September time but I kinda wish they started a little earlier in the year. 
Series 9 will probably air around August 23rd ish as that's what it was last year I think. 

BBC released a teaser picture of us! But wait... Is that a Dalek?!

So the first thing about this picture is the red dots on the map - what are they for? Why are they all over Canda? What episode are they in? I think this is filming for block 2 of the series which does include Episode 1 and 2.
Then, when you think all is well - Bam! There's something that looks like a Dalek. I had to do a double take of this picture because I'm not sure about this one. Yes it a a blue light but it's hard to make out any other features. Unless it is some hybrid Dalek of some sort i don't know whether we can assume that it is a Dalek for now.

Episode 1+2 names have been revealed and there are a two parter! Along with episode 3+4 which is also a two parter!

Episode one is called 'The Magicians Apprentice' and Epsiode two is called 'The Witches Familiar', they are a two-parter. Episode 3+4 are two-parters also that have been written by Toby Whithouse who wrote Epsiode such as 'Vampires of Venice' and 'The God complex'.

Guess who's back, back again - Missy, Kate and UNIT

Yes! That's right! Just yesterday the BBC confirmed that Michelle Gomez will be rejoining the cast in Episodes 1+2 as the evil and malevolent Missy! It was also confirmed that Jemma Redgrave will be back playing Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, which also means the return of UNIT. Sadly, we had confirmation from the MOFF that Osgood was dead - however, never trust Steven Moffat! 
Also, Clare Higgins who played one of the potion lady of the sisterhood of Karn in 'The Night of The Doctor' is re-appearing. This has lead to a fan theory that I would love to be true, however, I doubt that it is.
This would explain how John Simm's Master, regenerated in Michelle Gomez' Missy, however, I don't know whether John would be willing to return due to his recent bad experiences with over-bearing fans on Twitter. I would love it to be true and I would love to know how she managed to gain another regenaration when she has used them all up.

Has Missy had a bump in with Captain Jack or River because 'oh look, what's that in you pocket?' Sorry, on your wrist...

Michelle Gomez was in a video posted by the BBC yesterday saying how she was happy to be back on set and back being Missy. As she filmed the video, she was in her costume and on her wrist - Is a vortex manipulator! 

Is this what she used to escape her fate of being shot by a Cyberman? And is she being chased by UNIT for it back as The Vortex Manipulator is under UNIT protection. Also will we ever find out where Missy's TARDIS is? And does she really know where Gallifrey is?

Filming locations include Caerphilly Castle and MOD Caerwent

The first shots of the set and filming were of MOD Caerwent - this is persumably being used as some type of Russian base to do with UNIT for the first 2 two-parter episodes. There were some rumours speculating about two TARDIS' being taken to the set...
Jenna, Jemma and the TARDIS were spotted also at Caerphilly Castle. 


If you don't pay attention to this photo very carefully, it just looks like Peter and a fan of the show who happened to be doing his training the day of filming but... Then you look at the shadow on Peter's coat - is that the familiar shape of a Sontarans head? Could it be Strax? Could this mean the potentially return of The Pasternoster Gang? (Please let them return, oh please). 
This was taken at the filming at MOD Caerwent and is part of the first two parter (episodes 1+2) meaning it's from the same Epsiodes as the picture with the a possible Dalek in the background - ooohhhhh! That could get interesting - Sonatarns and Dalek, oh my ...

Coal Hill is back

Jenna was spotted this half term, staring at the sky out of one of the windows at Tonyrefrial school, along with her motorbike spotted in the grounds.

Clara's a... MAN???

Jenna's stunt man (yes man) was spotted filming just today in Wales on the motorbike. 

He was wearing a green and white skirt and black high heeled boots - these are the same things Jenna was wearing at Caerphilly Castle so that means they are both in Episodes 1+2. 

Everything was filmed from up here - hense so they could use the stunt double 

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No one knows because Moffat's a poop head.

Basically today, at the filming of the motorbike scene, two children are standing by the road and they are looking up at the sky. People who were on location said they were told to look at a 'frozen plane' in the sky. Clara goes past on the motorbike, unfazed by the whole thing.

'Doctor... We're in... Spain?' 

A member of the film crew tweet a while back and confirmed that they were on set in Spain - apparently they filmed two Epsiodes. The episodes filmed in Spain could quite possibly be Toby Whithouses 'creepy thrilling' two parter for Epsiodes 3+4.

Don't blink... She's back

The woman who directed the award-winning episode 'Blink' is back and is set to direct Block 2 of the Series 9 filming - this includes the first two-parter.

Oh my what in the name of sanity is this rumour? 

Alex Kingston might be returning as River Song.

I say might because there have been two thing that suggest it - 1. Alex herself said she looked forward to sharing more of River's story with the fans 2- she said that Doctor Who don't have more money for series 9 because 'you should see her trailer' 
What do you think? Do you want River to return? How would she get on with 12?

Well, lovelies! That was this weeks instalment of Lollie!

I hope you enjoyed this, if you didn't - i well, I enjoyed writing it! I'll keep you posted on our Twitter (@the7sweethearts go follow us - shameless self-promotion right there) of further developments and filming  locations etc... If I can...

Until next time, Allons-y! 
Lollie xxx

(Credit to all the lovely Whovians on the dwsr hashtag on Twitter who post these pictures, thank you to Wales Online for the stunt man pictures and to Whovian Animo users for the Missy discovery and also thank you to the Who News app and supermoff from DoctorWhoTV for supplying the lovely theory of The Master's Regeneration story) 

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