Friday 26 December 2014

Last Christmas - Doctor Who Christmas special review (Spoilers!)

Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. I heard a sound of distress, what seems to be the trouble?
'The Doctor Who Christmas special' I hear you scream... Yup, me too - the only way to describe this episode is a feels rollercoaster.

First, I loved the 'Inception' feel to the episode. I love dreams and all that kind of stuff so that element was a big plus for me.
I think my favourite character had to be Shona, she seemed to be very likeable and just a typical person - also, I'm very curious as to who David is and I loved her dancing. Shona was the first to ask if she was dreaming and she threatened to fight Santa. She was the first to mention The Doctor's 'Magician' type look which got me thinking about the first episode of the next series - The magician's apprentice. That was probably just Moffat dropping small Easter Egg like things.
On the subject of Steven Moffat, he made his trailer miss-leading... again the whole 'You. Are. Dying' with Clara in the trailer led us to think that maybe this was the end of the road for her as a companion. In my opinion, I think her time with The Doctor is up but this obviously isn't how Moffat is thinking as at the end it said ' The Doctor and Clara will be back next series in - The Magician's Apprentice'. I've heard a lot of rumors and obviously, they are still rumors because neither Moffat nor Jenna are saying anything about it.
Also, like last year when Amy appeared out of the blue, the same thing happened with Danny. We had no warning and oh god the feels when Clara says 'Danny Pink is dead'. She also slapped The Doctor again and this time, not with betrayal, an actual slap, which seems to be becoming a regular thing that I'm not too sure I like...
I feel like The Doctor should've left Clara in the dream state with Danny because that would've been a nice way to go. Although I did feel that dream Danny was a bit much, he was exactly how Clara wanted him to be, without all the things he was when he was actually alive. It felt to be as if it wasn't Danny.
The two elves had me cracking up, they were hilarious! and Nick Frost I applaud you for being an amazing Santa Claus, there couldn't have been someone better.
 Now I watched the episode with my sister and she found it very confusing when I kept going 'Moffat damn you!' but I'm sure you will all understand.
Anyone know when the soundtrack to series 8 is coming out because I am in love with the 12's running theme. I need it!

favourite quotes
- Three words Shona. My. Little. Pony
- There's a horror movie called alien? now that's offensive, no one aliens keep trying to invade you
- You know why it's so hard to see the difference between fantasy and reality? Both are ridiculous
- Chocolate... why did I get chocolate, what's that about
- How much more obvious do you want me to be? Do you want me to text the Easter bunny!
- As The Doctor would say ' oh it's all Dreamy-Weamey' (little reference to Timey-Wimey I think)
- Shut up Santa
- No no no we don't need all this touchy feely stuff
- I'm The Doctor I'm not your mum

In this episode, there was that little bit of 11 coming through, it showed in how much he cared about Clara and the whole reverse on the Christmas cracker pulling, where instead of Clara helping The Doctor pull a cracker because he was old, it was The Doctor helping Clara pull the cracker. The fact that The Doctor put himself in a dream state, risking death to get Clara out, shows he still cares. I think what hit me hardest was when The Doctor looked at old Clara and he saw nothing but the same young Clara that he had first met. Also, Clara may have admitted her slight admiration towards  The Doctor saying that there was once a man but he was impossible and she also said she believed in Santa but he looked slightly different.

I don't know if I covered every aspect but I'm sure you all understand my whole feeling of the episode.
Overall, it was one of the best specials so far ( not overtaking The Time of The Doct obviously, it's been a whole year since Matt, sigh) and that Clara should've gone but if she's staying then, I guess I can't do anything... I don't own Doctor Who or the BBC... yet...

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day, (I did, I got Sims 4, clothes, 12's sonic screwdriver and Rivers TARDIS journal, among other things) and I hope you have a good boxing day too and a happy new year for that matter as next time I post it'll be 2015. Yup, I'll be blogging to you on the 2nd of January 2015, how crazy is that!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

I've always believed in Santa Claus, but he looks a little different to me...
Geronimo, here's to 2015

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