Saturday 20 December 2014

Getting to know your Saturday blogger -Payton

I'm Payton and I will be your Saturday blogger, which I think is pretty sweet if you ask me as I think that Saturday is the best day of the week! Especially this Saturdays as it is the first official full day of the school holidays! I am your usual teenage girl into makeup, hair and fashion although what will surprise you is the other things that you wouldn't expect me to be interested in which I will tell you later on.

So let's get into a little bit about me, I won't tell you too much as you can learn about me more through my upcoming posts. So you know my name, Payton and thats pretty much it, so let's fill you in on my vital statistics. I am 17 years old and I live in the best place in the world, England! along with the other Sweethearts of this blog. I am an only child which has its benefits and drawbacks but I think that its pretty cool because I have a pretty sweet mum and dad. Your probably thinking that I live in a super cute little house, well your kind of wrong with that, I don't just share the house with my mum and dad but i share it with 6 cats, you are probably thinking wow that's a lot, and I know it is especially when we are all crowded in the same room!
On with more about me, let me get the boring part of my life out of the way, school, I am currently doing my first year of my A Levels and I am taking 3 subjects, ICT, Psychology and Maths. They seem like a weird combination of subjects to many but strangely i enjoy them all, although they can be tough.

Now onto the exciting stuff! I am a complete fangirl like many of the other Sweethearts, I enjoy some of the same things that they fangirl over but some other things that I like they look at me confused when i start talking about them! I absolutely love all things American! (some of these things will probably be topics for some of my other posts) I am in love with many reality TV shows, Dance Moms, Cake Boss, Rich Kids just to name a few. Also I am addicted to YouTube, and there are so many people on there that I watch.

Okay my favorite color is Pink, my favorite bands would be either The Saturdays, Fifth Harmony or We The Kings to name a few and my newest obsession would have to be with Carrie Underwood; my favorite TV shows would either be Dr Who, some reality TV show like Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders or any TV show that just suits my personality really.

You may think that I have so much going on in my life. with all of my interests but, this is just the start of getting to know me, I mean you will learn that I am a huge procrastinator so anything that I do on a daily basis is a huge accomplishment for me!
Every Saturday expect anything from me from random vents about life to reviews to tips and advice and much more!

See you next Saturday!
Payton <3

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