Thursday 9 July 2015

Lollie's Brain - University, Growing Up and Comic Con

Hello Internet People, Welcome Back!

It's been a criminally long time since I did an instalment of  'Lollie's Brain' for the first week of the month so, I'm presenting you with one this month to make up for all that painfully lost time.

I'm stressed again and it's not even year 13. I'm getting ill again because of it and I have a constantly sick feeling in my stomach. This unbearable sick feelings causes me to get nervous and worried over so many tiny little things and makes it almost impossible to focus on the things I should be doing and makes it so much easier to focus on the things that I probably shouldn't be doing, like watching TV shows or writing stories for Wattpad. 

I always feel as though the UK education system puts so much pressure and emphasis on getting a job or going to a university that it sort of swamps you and becomes all you focus on for two years of your existence. I had a sort of existential crisis not so long ago (Thank you Dan Howell for making me realise that...) and I suppose I just had the realisation that I don't even know what I want to do with my life at this present moment. I'd like to go to university, sure, but which one? now that is a completely different ball game. Today we attended a UCAs University convention and in total, I collected 29 University prospectus'... 29!I know have to whittle them down to my top 5! 

Enough with that, let's talk about something else. I feel old. I think it's because of the University thing and also, this year it's 10 years since the reboot of Who (Nu Who), my sister is leaving primary school to join secondary school with me and my brother and I'm transitioning into my last year of Sixth Form, Year 13. Time is a slut, she screws everybody. A lovely quote from The Fault In Our Stars, a very true one. Time is a precious thing, don't waste it on things or people that aren't important, spend it doing things you love and being with people that you love.

On another note, I'm very very excited as Payton and I have the privilege of meeting the one and only Catherine Tate (aka Donna Noble from Doctor Who) at LFCC - London Film and Comic Con - this July 19th. I only booked the tickets last week but feel as though I have been waiting for so long to meet a cast member from Nu Who and I'm so happy it's her. Donna was one of my favourite companions on the show and getting to meet Catherine will just be a huge honour. I'm hopefully going to be cosplaying as the 11th Doctor or maybe Clara as I didn't get to go to MCM Comic Con back in May. 

Speaking of cosplay, I brought my very first item of actual Clara Oswald cosplay last week. When I say 'actual' I mean a piece of clothing that is the same as the original one that she wears and isn't one that I've found in my wardrobe or at a charity shop. I also purchased another one a that came a few days ago and I'm very happy about it!

I haven't posted properly in a while and I'm going to start again, so, next week, I promise you 'How To Comic Con'. I've only ever been to one CC, but, I'm going to try my best and I hoe you all enjoy it!

Until Next Time, Allons-y!
Lollie xx

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