Hello Internet People, welcome back!
Don't even role your eyes at this title, you knew this was coming eventually.
So I found these questions on Tumblr before we
start the tag and I thought I'd give my opinions on them.
1. Where’s Donna’s dad?
One theory is that Donna's dad I think left her and
her mum when she was young so because of this, Donna has never really bothered
with men. Her granddad - Wilf - is the main father figure in her life. When she
was due to marry Lance, she was so very excited for it because she had finally
found a man who wasn't like her dad and was more like her granddad. Obviously
we all know how that ended. When she decides she wants to travel with The
Doctor, that's all she wants to do, she doesn't fancy him or love him... she
just wants a friend and that's something that I think not only relieves the
doctor but also Donna. Donna finds the doctor to be more of an escape from her
reality rather than a love interest as he offers her something more.
Another one I have still revolves around Donna's
dad leaving when she was small, however, Donna completely idolised him as a
father and when he left, she somehow blamed her mum. this would explain all the
negative feelings and actions she has towards her mum sometimes. She also, when
her dad left, sought a replacement father figure in Wilf.
2. How are multiple doctors allowed to exist at once (for example, the eleventh doctor and the tenth)?
You'd have to ask The Moff about this one...
3. Is Rory the father of River?
Yes. How can someone begin to even question that!
Yes I know River can regenerate etc etc, but that's NOT because she is the
daughter of The Doctor (also River married The Doctor in the end and you can't
have The Doctor's daughter marrying The Doctor... well... let's not even go
there okay 0 wibbily wobbly, timey wimey.. stuff). River can regenerate because
she was conceived in the TARDIS surrounded by time energy and vortex stuff (I'm
almost technical sounding as the show haha!)
4. How come The Doctor seems surprised when the Daleks find him even though he parks the TARDIS in the middle of the street?
He's surprised because, the state the street is in
and all the rubble and the wreckage would suggest that the Daleks had already
stormed that street, he thought he was safe.
5. Is The Doctor part human since he has a belly button?
No. That's just how time lords look..
6. Who is that one girl with the son that’s like 14? And why do they have a robot dog?
Wow... wow, wow, wow. Let me just sit down for
a moment. SARAH JANE SMITH!!! oh my
gosh, that is Sarah Jane Smith. Her son is 14-year-old, genetically modified
genius and her robot dog, was originally The Doctor's. His name is K9.
7. Why does the tenth doctor carry around a stethoscope?
Because Stethoscopes are cool, they come in handy,
he's a 'doctor' of sorts and we all know Ten has the thing of carrying things
he may not intend to use (The brainy specs)
8. If a human-timelord hybrid (the doctorDonna) can’t exist, how come the clone of the tenth doctor (the one from his hand) can?
A human-timelord hybrid such as the DoctorDonna,
can't exisit due to the fact that Donna's body was human. All the timelord
knowledge was too big for her brain to cope with as humans brains have a
smaller capacity then Timelords. The clone of Ten, aka The Meta-crisis Doctor,
can exist because this meta-crisis, grew from the part of a Timelord,
therefore, he has a Timelord brain capacity.
9. As a follow-up, does that clone regenerate too? Would the doctorDonna also?
The clone does not regenerate as when it grew from
Ten's severed hand, he only grew back with one heart. This is because that is
the template that was given when the Meta-crisis was formed as DoctorDonna only
had one heart. This means that DoctorDonna cant regenerate either as she only
has one heart. It is part of a Timelord's genetics to be able to regenerate but
to do this they must have a bi-binary heart system (is that the right phrase?)
Now time for the quizzy bit
When did you start watching Doctor Who?
I started
watching Doctor Who in 2005 when the reboot came out. I was 6, nearly 7 and my
next-door neighbour came round one day and we were sat watching TV in my room,
flicking channels when Doctor Who came up. She told me to click it and there
must have been about three or four episodes back to back on. The first one was
'Dalek' and after I watched that, I didn't want to stop.
Who is your favourite Doctor?
Ten. Even
though Nine is MY Doctor, so to speak, Ten will always be my favourite and his
era was absolutely brilliant.
Favourite companion?
I think it
has to be Rose as she was the first companion I ever watched and I grew sort of
attached to her. I grew so attached to her in fact that when 'Doomsday' was
aired, I was having a BBQ and I stayed inside on my own to watch the episode
and then proceeded to cry as she got sucked into the void and then transported
to the parallel universe.
Favourite episode?
'Girl in The
Fireplace' is one of them. I'm not sure what it is about this episode that drew
me in and it's still a favourite of mine till this day. Also 'Utopia', 'Sound
of Drums' and 'Last of The Time Lords' because these episodes as so well
written and are brilliant!
Least favourite episode?
'The Unquiet
Dead'. I think, I never actually saw this episode when it aired so that made
me not like it. I can't actually sit through the episode. It doesn't scare me
or anything, I'm not too sure what it is about it...
Least favourite companion?
Here is where
most would write Martha but I loved Martha. I don't really have a least
favourite companion. A lot of the companion have things about them that annoy
me a little bit and I do feel as though (even though I love Jenna Coleman and
the character of Clara) that Clara has outstayed her welcome with The Doctor.
If you were a companion, what kind of companion would you be?
I'd like to
think I'd be a good one. I'm not great at running so, I'd complain about that
like Donna. I'd love The Doctor like Amy did, like a best friend. I'd be brave
and independent like Martha, Intelligent and quick like Clara and adventurous
like Rose.
Greatest Doctor Who creature?
Oh... has to
be the Daleks.
least favourite Doctor Who creature?
My least
favourite has got to be the Empty Child. Not because It's terrible just because
that episode freaked me out so much!
Who is your favourite
non-companion character?
Adam Mitchell
Who is your favourite villain?
The Master. Definitely The Master. Without a doubt.
What would you do first if you
could travel with The Doctor?
Victorian era, ancient Egypt, ancient Rome, ancient Greece
What do you think would be behind
your door at the hotel in The God Complex?
Well, I'm scared of feet... so.. feet? wait, was it your biggest fear
behind the door or biggest belief? I haven't watched it in a while :/
What would be your reaction to
meeting The Doctor?
'It's you... you're the actual Doctor.. The Doctor. Where's the TARDIS?
Where are we off to first then?'
If you meet The Doctor, who would
you tell first?
Probably Ash or Payton...
Which Doctor Who moment made you
cry the most?
DÃ¥lig Ulv
Stranden and the regenerations of 10 and 11
Would you rather go on adventures
with The Doctor, River Song, or Captain Jack Harkness?
Can I just have all 3?
If Captain Jack began flirting
with you, how would you react?
'Chan, I do not Protest, Tho'
Which relationship (canon or not)
is your favourite?
RosexTen, MarthaxMickey, Osdrum (MasterxClara), Pondswald (ClaraxAmy),
Allonswin (ClaraxTen), Whouffle (ClaraxEleven), Whouffaldi (ClaraxTwelve)
If you could ask The Doctor one
question, and it was guaranteed that he would answer it honestly, what would
you ask him?
Doctor Who??????
When it is time to leave The
Doctor, you are allowed one souvenir from your travels. What would you like it
to be?
Can I take the TARDIS? too big?? Okay... The Doctor? no? I'll take a
sonic then please... Or one of those sleep patches that induces a dream state,
those could prove useful
That was a sort-of Doctor Who tag, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll be back next week at some point with another post for you all!
Until Next Time, Allons-y!
Lollie xx