Monday 3 August 2015

Bone Pain and Bullshit - Wednesday's Child

... It's not even a Wednesday

It's literally been the longest time, and I apologize for that. So, an update on my life would probably be a good idea.

Basically, in the weird drain-circling spiral that is my life, I've done three very important things with my life.

 - Cried more times in the space of one week than I have done in the past seven years.
 - Started Sons of Anarchy
 - Gone to the Doctors (again) about the deteriorating stability of my bones

The bone thing I'll get to first. Since November last year I've been getting periods (hehe) of bone pain, ranging from mild aches to 'rip my heart out to distract me please'. It started out as pain during the night, and was solely in my right calf. (Heads up, googling bone pain will give you the results of bone cancer don't do it.) Then the pain started to happen in my collarbone, fingers, both legs and up my arms. (And one time in my foot but I'd been wearing heels so I'm still not sure about that one.) The pain is also becoming not only a night time surprise, but a day time joy. Kind of like a weird younger sibling that won't leave you the fuck alone, and pops up at the worst possible moments. (Point of reference - mid conversation at Belle's birthday, I suddenly start hissing and grabbing at my leg, and have to excuse myself for ten minutes to swear to myself and take painkillers in the kitchen.)

However, for the most part, the pain's a you-get-used-to-it sort of thing. Up until two weeks ago. My left hand had been hurting for a few minutes before dinner, but I thought nothing of it until my mum handed me my plate. And I nearly dropped it. Because holding anything, or moving any of my fingers, sent searing pain through my hand.

About two or three months ago I went to the Doctors, and was told to get a blood test to check for Rheumatoid Arthritis. RA is a an autoimmune disease wherein my body goes batshit and breaks down, resulting in joints needing replacing, reduced mobility, and pain. The tests were negative (thank God), and so the other option was a Vitamin D deficiency. (Which is interesting because my bloodwork was clear for anything like that.) So, I was given some pills which have literally not done shit.

So that's that. Pain, which has taken up most of my life for the past six weeks or so.

What's next? Oh shit yeah... The whole crying thing.

Here's a little pointer thing I want to say before I continue. Family. You do not have any obligation to unconditionally love your family. In fact, if your family fuck up or do something wrong, you have every right to dislike them.

I'm a point and click case of familial discontent. There's more than one member of my family I can't stand to be in a room with more than five minutes, and one is my uber-Catholic grandmother.

Being the youngest person in my family, I have an awful lot expected of me. There are literally two people in my family who are under the age of eighteen. Me, and my cousin. My cousin is going to attend the London School of Economics. Which, y'know, well done him and all but... This is a very academic family (supposedly - I got into an argument over the definition of 'humanities' with my Grandmother...) And with him going to LSE, there's now quite a hefty amount of pressure on me to do equally as well. Which I'm not.

Two weeks ago I ended up getting into a full blown argument over university placements, grades, and my lack of motivation which resulted in me crying (angry tears. tears of anger.) and refusing to go back to see her. As you can imagine this has resulted in certain tensions between me and other members of my family. So that was crying episode number one.

The second one involved me clinging desperately (I think, I was pretty fucking drunk, and my memory is a little hazy) to one of my friends and crying hysterically. (Once again... I think.) About several different fears and such. However, in the weird haze of that evening, I do remember clearly saying the words 'Fucking Slay.' to a certain friend.

Anyway, on to much better news. I have a new love. Sons of Anarchy.

It's a very serious show about very serious biker men who do very serious things and totally do not buy a porn studio in the beginning of the second season, or feed crank to Dobermans, or steal ambulances, and clearly always make informed decisions.

The show has a mixture of violence, depth, humour and sweet music to make it incredibly enjoyable. It follows the life of Jax Teller, the step-son of the leader of SAMCRO (Sons of Anarchy Redwood Original), who is unsure about the violent path the club is headed. He discovers in the pilot episode the memoirs of his father, who originally founded the club, and discovers the original plans for the club before his mother and Step-Father changed things.

And in the past week I have discovered and important fact.

I love Tig Trager.

In fact, I love all of the main characters. But despite the fact that if I met Tig in real life I'd really seriously be terrified, he's very quickly become one of my favourites. He's also the most violent member of the club, and is often called on to take out some of the messier tasks. Which can result in some messy repercussions.

I'm also just gonna leave this gif of Theo Rossi here because reasons.

So that's about all from me kids. And as always, stay safe and remember,

I'm with you till the end of the line Folks. ♥

Woman Crush of the Week: Madison Davenport
Man Crush of the Week: D.J Cotrona
Song of the Week: John the Revalator 
Film of the Week: From Dusk Till Dawn

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