Wednesday 19 August 2015

It's been a hell of a month - Lollie

Hello internet people, welcome back - at long last!

I'm sat in the sun relaxing around the pool at my villa in Cyprus when I suddenly realise - I haven't written a blog post in a month. I desperately scrabble for my phone and download the blogger app and I'm tapping away, trying to cram all my adventures that I've had in the past month into one post that isn't too boring and isn't too long - and damn it's hard! 

Let's start it off with an apology. I promised a How to Comic Con post that never happened. I'm very sorry for that. 

Then, moving on - lets actually talk about comic con - LFCC (London Film and Comic Con). It's actually been a month since I stood in Olympia and finally felt like I'd come home. 
Friday before the event was spent at school, desperately printing off schedules and maps and train times and trying to get myself organised. 
At the beginning of the day, (which started around 5:30am), Payton's wonderful Nan took us to the station so we could catch an earlier train so we could get to the venue at an earlier time and when we got to the station, we discovered there was a signalling problem which meant there were no trains running to London until 8, which was not early enough. Me being me, I was panicking and then, a lovely couple approached and asked if we were going to LFCC, we said yes and they offered to share a taxi with them to a nearer station to get a train to London. After checking it was okay with Payton's nan, we all got into the taxi and went to another station. We rode the train and tube with the couple all the way to LFCC as we had no idea how to get there on our own. We parted with them as we entered the queue and it was at this moment, my excitement hit its peak for the first time that day.
All around us were people in cosplay of all different kinds; anime, doctor who, back to the future and more. I looked down at my own cosplay, a fem 11 cosplay that I was pretty proud of and then I looked around me. There were so many brilliant Doctor Who cosplays that I couldn't even begin to compete with, but still, I smiled and I got excited every time the queue moved up.
We got inside the venue at around 10:15am and we made our way to the photoshoot booth to see if Payton could get on with Lea Thompson, sadly they had all sold out. I then bumped into a Clara cosplayer who I had briefly spoken too on Twitter the night before. We posed for a picture together and then I went off to have my photoshoot with Harry Treadaway from Penny Dreadful. I had never been to a photoshoot before so this was also another exciting moment for me.
I approached Harry and he smiled at me, we exchanged British plesentaries (Hello, how are you?, it's nice to meet you etc) and I posed for the picture, my sonic screwdriver pointed at the camera, thanked him and then walked away. I picked up my bag and was on such a high I walked past the picture collection - luckily the lady pulled me back. I waited for my picture and when it came out, it was blurry! "are you happy with this or would you like it done again?" She asked. I'm sorry but there was no way I was going to miss an opportunity to have another photo with him. So  this time, I got Harry to hold the sonic and the picture was awesome, we said goodbye and that was it.
Me and Payton then wandered around the venue for a while, exploring the stalls - I brought Two figures of The Master. 
During the wandering, i found so many awesome cosplayers that I stopped to get photos with (Payton took them all and I thank her for that). Turns out I'm actually now friends with most of them and we Skype and talk regularly.  
We also spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to find the third floor...
Payton and I then went to get her ticket to meet Lea and then we wandered around some more and went to the top floor to meet Reeve Carney.
I got Reeve's autograph and we had a lovely chat and a hug. He is one of the nicest people I've met. He was so humble and he also complimented my cosplay which was brilliant! 
We then went to meet Lea Thompson and Payton must have been the only one there that didn't meet her because of Back To The Future - none the less, Lea was lovely and posed for photos and chatted to her for quite a while.
After this, we rushed to meet Catherine Tate. It was a photoshoot and we stood waiting outside for about ten minutes, there were crowds of people waiting as well. As we were waiting, I spotted a cosplayer that I'd seen online for a while. His name is Matt Elliot and he is an 11 cosplayer who has a striking resemblance to Matt Smith. We were called in batch by batch and then I was finally our turn. I was shaking as I approached her and I said hello and asked her to hold my sonic. We posed for a photo and then I collected it and left. 
Payton and I waited outside the photo booth area so I could get a picture with Matt Elliot and while we were waiting, I bumped into a cosplayer that I had had a picture with earlier that day. His name was Mickey and he introduced me to his other friends, one of which was Melissa. Melissa and I talk all the time now and she's actually coming to stay in Essex for a weekend in October so we can attended MCM London! I'm very excited. 
I met Matt Elliot and he complimented my cosplay (I died because he's my favourite 11 cosplayer).
Catherine Tate was actually rather rude. She hardly spoke, the picture she took, she doesn't look like she cares, she refused to hug people and she had the least enthusiasm of anyone I met that day. This made me sad because, even though I shouldn't, I now associate her character of Donna with her being not very pleasant towards me an other fans. 
After Catherine Tate, we went back up to the top floor and I went to talk to Harry Treadaway. We had a brilliant conversation and I got a bit nervous but he reassured me it was okay and to breath and start again and I did. We spoke about Penny Dreadful and acting and performing arts and then we said goodbye and we left. 
We then went to the second floor for the last thing of the day - the penny dreadful panel, with Reeve Carney and Harry Treadaway. The panel was amazing - I met a lovely Dreadful (penny dreadful fan) and we sat together and watched the panel. Both of us got to ask our questions to Harry and Reeve, also, when they both answered my question, they looked directly at me the whole time they were answering it. Reeve also kept staring at me during the panel and I have a picture of him looking at me.
The question I asked was: do you feel that you and your characters share any traits, like the way the act or dress? (When I said dress, Harry looked at Reeve and laughed)
Harry: yeah because I'm a drug addict and I can bring people back from the dead *laughs* no, I think victor... I feel more intelligent when playing him
Reeve: I feel like Dorian has this... This placidity to him - placidity is that the right word? Placidity? Calmness, I think he's laid back and I think that's what I share with him and yeah.. Clothes
After the panel, we went home and although I was sweaty and tired and my feet ached - the day had gone so well and it was amazing! 

LFCC aside, I started a two week work placement at an accountant. I worked 8 days and got £200 for it! 

I went up to London to the Alexander McQueen fashion exhibition at the V&A with Summer which was so fun and such an eye opener. McQueen's outfits and collections are just mind blowing! We also had a wander round London and basically spent the day being tourists. We went to the TARDIS outside Earl's Court station, Trafalgar Square, the mall, outside Buckingham palace, St James' Park, Pimlico, Oxford Street and Forbidden Planet. It was a VERY good day - tiring but brilliant.
On the 8th of August, for my birthday, Summer and I went to see Three Days in the Country starring John Simm, Mark Gatiss and Amanda Drew. Now, John Simm is my favourite actor so seeing him live on stage was pretty surreal and then something even more surreal happened.
I met John Simm.
After 8 years of waiting, watching his programmes, his films and interviews etc and finally, he was infront of me, not on the stage acting or playing guitar, not passing me in the street - actually there and it was just as I had hoped. He was lovely, so humble and kind. I would go on but, I could literally go on and on and on and on. I was shaking for up to an hour afterwards with the adrenaline and happiness running through me.

Then after the trips to London was the escapade that lead me and Summer to Cyprus. The journey was long but fun and now we only have a week left until we have to go back to England and the. A week after that until Sixth Form starts again.

Sixth form - As results... Let's not talk about those. I'm just going to say my results now mean I have to reconsider going to University at the end of Year 13.

Overall, it's been a pretty crazy and fun month full of meeting new people, experiencing new things, talking to existing people and just having a great time! 

I know this has just been an update post and it's not what I promised but... Enjoy it anyway! 

Until Next Time, Allons-y!
Lollie xx

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