First off I want to apologise for this mix and match schedule we've all been doing, I guess that sixth form is truly taking hold of us all now and there's not much time for anything else but work, work,work.
Secondly, I'm in Cyprus! I flew out to Cyprus on my own to see my dad this Easter (Happy Ostara by the way) and it was one of the best experiences ever. If you are feeling like no one in your life believes you can do things on your own, I strongly recommend doing something like flying by yourself or getting the train to some place in the UK on your own with friends. I was a little bit worried about it at first but it was a breeze. I've been to airports pretty much every year of my life so I know what I'm doing, however, the security checks and countless boards flashing with flight information and having no where to sit whilst I waited for the flight, did overwhelm me slightly.
The flight itself was five and a half hours and I was (lucky) sat next to someone who slept most of the way - there is nothing worse than sitting next to stranger on a flight who wants to talk the entire flight and find out about your life story...
I've already been here a week which is scary because I don't really want to come home. I've fallen into the pattern of getting up at about 10, having my cup of tea, doing a bit of work, going out, coming home, going in the pool, laying in the sun, watching a movie and then going to bed to finally fall asleep about 2 am. Reality is going to hit me mighty hard when I touch down in the UK.
Next, I want to talk about this:
If you are a teenager and your mind is wandering, thinking and exploring new ideas, new fashion concepts, a different attitude - don't worry and don't let anyone tell you that you're weird, not even yourself. I think it's important for people my age to realise that what ever they are thinking, trying, doing, there will ALWAYS be someone else in the world, if not close to them that is having those same thoughts or is trying that exact same thing. Don't ever assume that you are alone, but, be careful who you trust telling these thoughts too. If the person you confide in doesn't share the same views as you then it can cause conflict. Although some may say they understand and that they aren't judging you, you can tell that they are because they don't share those thoughts. Be carefully who your trust, please people, I know that I trust way too easily, it my biggest downfall, I want to make sure you don't make the same mistake. Don't feel pressured into telling someone either. Make sure before you confide in someone, that you are almost certain that they will either understand fully or at least to some degree.
One another note, I made a list the other day (I make lists for everything) about what I was going to do when I move out next year (hopefully):
- Find a job that pays well and that I enjoy to a certain to degree and can go to when I'm not at Uni. Also, the job must be able to pay for the following;
- Buy corsets and wear them because why not. I've got no one to judge my dress now and for the love of Herne buy some decent underwear woman!
- Wear mascara when I can because if I'm honest, you own way too many tubes of it for the little that you do wear
- Buy some wig head stands and wigs because again, why not. Why dye my hair and change the style every day when I can just do that by buying a wig!
- Invest in some Steampunk clothing, corsets, accessories, household items because you've always loved it
- Shop at charity shops, buy some random crap and up-cycle it into something incredibly useful.
- When not buying all the above, buy cosplay things and go to all the comic cons possible - MCM, LSCC, CCC, perhaps ones in America?
- Take method acting classes and don't whimp out because you aren't very social
- Oh, and obviously focus on your degree...
Oh, Steampunk has just given me a wonderful idea for a post...
I'm going to leave you now but, before I do, I just want to let you all know (maybe you won't care), I have reached a monumental milestone in my life (I'm exaggerating), I had a cocktail last night (see, exaggerating... anti-climax right there).
It was a mango Vodka concoction made by my lovely barman friend Dane and I have to say, I liked it.
Now I'm leaving...
I may post at some point... if I feel like there's something I must post because I'm sure I've missed something out here...
Until next time, Allons-y
Lollie xx
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