Friday 10 April 2015

How to be a Better Human Being - Why the apparently 'unnecessary' culling of idiocy IS necessary - Lollie

It seems the title of this may be a sign post as to the mood I have been experiencing recently.
This world, is unnecessarily filled with small minded, completely un-compelling (am I using these words right?) people. People who feel that they must always be right, people who feel that anything that is out of their views and beliefs in the slightest should be abolished.

Now I have a friend. Me and my friend, we're rather a like, we share the same views on a large number of things and we are both considered 'different' in the eyes of most, but, is this really a crime?
With the amount of people breaking away from social norms these day, surely you'd think our society would have started to accept something that's different...
Apparently not.

I know there are so many people out there that support people who aren't afraid to be themselves and not conform to society's gruelling standards, however, it seems those with rather pessimistic, ridiculing views are glorified more than those who are trying to lead an example for our future generations.
The amount of narrow minded, insolent human beings I come across is astonishing and I can't help but weep for our future if they are what we glorify.

I've always been told by others (I preach this all the time) You must never judge someone until you either get to know them or live in their shoes. Sadly, I feel this message has failed to reach small minorities in the world who still feel that they can judge people just because they are unalike from them.

This angers me how insincere these people are to others feelings too and then the pass off their hateful stabs as banter No. No no no, no. How many suicides does it take for people like that to realise that it isn't just banter? What you say matters and can in no way shape or form be accepted as banter by the person receiving the verbal and emotional abuse.

I'm truly sorry for this rant I'm embarking on in this post but there are sooo many things that I need to address and I'm starting to wonder why culling or decimating (wonderful word...) idiotic imbeciles is a bad thing (I'm obviously not going to cull them. It's more a figure of speech, more stamping them and their negative views out than killing them all because that's blatantly illegal)

I'm different from you and I'm sure you're different from me and yes we are entitled to our opinions but perhaps some opinions should've been stamped out in the dark ages... Or should be kept to yourself in order to stop this prejudice and derision and stop people who are seen as anomalies, derogating into something they are not to feel accepted.

I have a story to tell: (completely fictional by the way)

Once Upon a Time, there was boy. He wasn't like me and you, he was what some would call strange or weird or perhaps a 'freak' even. The boy, he grew up in solitude, he rarely spoke for fear of being told to shut up or being hit. He was a was verbally and physically abused by most and he didn't really have any friends. As time went on the boy grew into a man, a man full of hatred and a heart full of cold and darkness. He had problems, psychologically, due to the things that had happened in his childhood and now, not only was he called a freak, he was medically classed as one. Was it his fault? No, not at all. Those narrow minded people, if they had opened up their minds and accepted him for who he was, he wouldn't feel like such a disappointment in the eyes of society. He is what you might class as a psychopath but that, that's societies fault. The more you ridicule someone, the deeper it goes until one day, they are going to feel like they really are a load of rubbish. 
The man now, still lived in solitude, did reckless things and constantly felt horrible about himself . His only escape was to know that there was one woman out there who didn't care and accepted him for him because, they were almost alike. She saw in his heart what those narrow minded people had failed to see years before. If there had only been someone like her in his childhood, maybe he would have turned out differently, but, he wouldn't wish it differently. He was who he iswqs because of society - a perfect product of a corrupt environment and perfect to showcase why a cull is in order.

You're a guy and you like guys? Great
You're a girl and you like girls? Great
You're a guy and you like a bit of both? Wonderful
You're a guy but you like a dominate woman? Good for you, it doesn't make you any less of a man
You're a woman who won't mind submitting to a man and doing anything he says? Do it. Doesn't make you any less of a woman
Like kink? Why the hell not. It's what matters to you.
A little bit different form anyone you know, like anime or gothic clothing or guys with peircings? Don't like the latest pop group and would rather listen to a heavy metal band instead? Fine.
There is always going to be someone out there who shares your views on things and share your likes and more commonly now, your dislikes. You will meet someone who's into the same thing as you and who feels the same way. Do not let the people who don't stop you from finding those who do.

I really hope this made some kind of sense... I'm ranting and rambling to my hearts content I know and Bri usually does the ranting on here and she's a lot better at it than me but,I really do hope I got the positive message across about being who you are, cutting out the negative comments on people just because they are different and keeping your head up, liking what you like and keep doing what you do., because at the end of the day, people come and go in your life, from point A, your birth to point B, your death you're going to meet hundreds of people. Some will be there for the long run and if they are then great and some won't be, which is equally okay. Just remember, don't change for the people who will only stay temporially because, when you do change and the leave, you're stuck with who you became to appease them.

Until Next Time - Allons-y!
Lollie xxxx

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