Tuesday, 17 May 2016

The ever absent Seven Sweethearts - Lollie

Since this blog started back in 2014, a lot has changed. All Seven of us have changed, grown and moved on.
In September, we'll all be going off to uni or apprenticeships and it'll be difficult for us to meet up. I guess I'm going to try and post here in order to update the girls on what's going on for me when we cant see each other anymore.
I haven't posted properly in a long while, I hope to try and change that when I have some more time after exams. I flying to Cyprus again at the end of June so I'm hoping that'll give me some time to write about my adventures while I'm away.
There's nothing exciting happening recently. Bri and I performed Eclipse by Simon Armitage at the Mercury Theatre in Colchester as part of the Nation Theatre Connections Festival and we are waiting to hear whether we will get to perform at the Nation Theatre in London. I secured a D in my business coursework and I've finished that course forever and I have also discovered some new shows which I will hopefully be talking about very soon on here (if all goes to plan).
That's it for now, hope all is well with everyone
Until next time, Allons-y! Lollie xx