Monday, 28 March 2016

I can't think of a decent title.... XOXO

Hello, Ladies Gentlemen and Non-Binaries,

Lets face it... Much to my dismay this blog is dead. None of us ever post and after events that have unfolded over the past months it'll probably remain that way. I plan to try and post as frequently as i can but i'm one of Seven Sweethearts. I can't do a good job on my own but i'll try and keep it alive for as long as i can... Sorry.

Where to begin? What to talk about?
My mental health has since deteriorated from the last time i posted. I have Depression now. Still very little head way made on the standing of my transition. I'm failing school miserably as per normal for me. Things have collapsed around me and as usual i was powerless to stop it.... Standard for me.

Being as this blog is pretty much solely run by me now i should probably fill you in, let you know what's going to happen in my life so you know what boring shit to expect for next time i post...

  • I have a date on Friday. Me and a Girl are going stargazing together and we plan to have a picnic. I just really hope i don't screw this up because i really like her. 
  • I have another appointment at the Gender Clinic in April. I have a blood test on Wednesday. 
  • Me and the aforementioned girl might have a second date planned as well.
That's it... i'm really sorry that i can't be more interesting. Wish i could be.

So basically due to a conflict of interests The Seven Sweethearts may well be over. This blog may collect dust and die or i might keep it alive as a little section to vent... 
Sorry this post isn't long but i'm feeling pretty depressed at the moment. The Seven Sweethearts made me so happy and to see our little group, the group that took me in as a woman long before anyone else did... to see that all crumble like everything else i love. It just really hurts... 

This is your Friendly Neighborhood Transsexual, saying sorry that this collapsed, i really wish i could be a better blogger...