Tuesday, 10 November 2015

The seven non-existent sweethearts - Lollie

Hello internet!

We've been absent for a while.
Let's just say - sixth form has taken over our lives and we are all slowly sinking into this dark abyss of never ending work and constant stress... and it's only November.

For me, a lot has happened since I last posted. I've been to more conventions, Summer, Belle and I stayed over in London for a weekend, Belle, Ash and I saw Dan and Phil live, I met Dan and Phil, I've travelled to Milton Keynes and London on my own and Ash and I met Peter Capaldi!
I've been busy clearly...
Yes, I know it's not a Friday but let's be honest - since when have any of us posted on the right days?
I'm going to be back with more posts soon... in fact, I think I'm going to write loads an schedule them just so I don't miss one!

This was short and a pathetic excuse for our absence but I tried!

Until Next Time - Allons-y!
Lollie xx