Thursday 14 May 2015

The characteristics of a Leo - Lollie

Hello Earthlings!
I'm a big one for astrology. I'm a Leo and all these horoscopes floating about on the internet expect me to be full of certain characteristics, so... I thought I'd have a look and then see if I fit into them.

Leo Strength Keywords:
- Confident
In some ways I'd say I am but in others I'm not so confident. Talking to people I don't know in person, over the phone, at an interview, in the street or meeting them for the first time scares me to death and I am far from confident when it comes to this. I have not always been confident, it's something I've had to work on and something I am still working on. Confidence also comes with the company you keep. I believe that my friends I have have contributed to my growth in confidence over the past few years.
- Ambitious
I'm very ambitious and I will always aim to do the impossible. My head is always full of big ideas and things that in theory, would be impossible for me to complete, however, I do try my hardest to get the closet alternative option
- Generous
Am I generous? let me ask Summer (she's sitting next to me). "Am I generous?" I ask "Of course you are," She replies, "You always give me food"... that settles it then.
- Loyal
Let me ask her again "Am I loyal?" she nods and replies, "Of course you are, we've been friends since year 8" That's true, I have had most of my friends for 6 years now and I stick by them whenever I can.
- Encouraging
I am very encouraging and try to encourage people positively whenever I can and try and keep them on the right path. Summer has compared me to the angel on her shoulder a few times.

Leo Weakness Keywords:
- Pretentious
I do try t sound more intelligent than I am as I hate it when I look stupid in front of people. I get embarrassed if I make a fool of myself so I've adopted to learning bigger words in order to hold an semi-intellectual conversation.
- Domineering
I can be very... strong-willed sometimes but I wouldn't call it domineering. I am far from domineering as some will tell you. I will do anything to keep the people I love happy. I can be quite bossy but I don't think that's down to my star sign, I think it's more how I was brought up.
- Melodramatic
Guilty as heck. Ask anyone of the sweethearts I am the most melodramatic person there is (see I'm even being melodramatic now). I'm very over the top and if I'm in the slightest bit of pain I will not hesitate to make it known. I think I'm as dramatic as I am due to being a performing arts kid.
- Stubborn
Oh yes. If someone tells me to go to bed because I'll be tired, I will insist I'm fine and I won't go to bed, even though I'm actually falling asleep. I can't stand being wrong and when I am, I don't like to admit it. I also, sometimes struggle to change my view point on something and will not be able to comprehend why someone doesn't share my view point.
- Vain
No. I am not vain. In the past I have been very unhappy about how I look and I've always been very self conscious about my weight as I am a little bit bigger than your average girl. I hardly ever take selfies because I struggle to get a good angle and I don't look in the mirror a lot. I don't wear makeup often, that's not because I'm vain it's because I simply cannot be bothered to apply it and then take it off later, plus, I don't mind the freckles on my face so I don't want to cover them up with foundation.

Leo and Independence:
Leo is very independent but they need something to control and someone to admire them and appreciate them. They are fully capable of being greatly successful on their own but they are much happier if they have an audience and a following of people who look up to them. They would prefer not be alone.

Independent? I would be nothing without other people within my life. Sometimes though, it's better if I am left to my own devices. I want to show my mum I can be independent and lately she's been letting me show it more, seeing as I am almost 17. It's nice to have someone appreciate me, yes but I don't want a following. I would prefer not to be alone, I love spending time with my  friends, it's one of the best ways for me to relax.
Leo and Friendship:
People are attracted to Leo's zest for life and their warm spirit. They have the ability to lift up one's spirits and provide encouragement when times are rough. Their enthusiasm attracts people, Leos are social butterflies, not because they want to be but because people always naturally gravitate and surround the Leo. Leos are very difficult people to not like, they are usually fairly balanced, realistic people. They never dwell on the past and they will think you are strange if you do. Some Leos might be too caught up in themselves and be very self-centred but they are never too self-absorbed to help anyone who needs it. They pamper their friends and treat them well. A Leo is the ultimate friend. They do not hold a grudge and they are very forgiving. They have respect and understanding of people's differences.

My 'zest for life'... well, I think life is a bitch and needs to stop hitting me with hard blows but then I suppose that's just being a teenager. I am very enthusiastic towards lots of things but social? nope. I hate being social with anyone other than those that I know. I get terrified about having to attend a family meal where cousins who I haven't spoken to in years are present. Well, apparently me being a Leo means I'm well liked. I am very realistic and say it how it is but I also try to make the person see the other side of the story. I don't think I'm self-centred. I would go above and beyond to help my friends out with something. I'm all about 'forgiveness and shit' ( a phrase used by someone I once knew well, but whom was one of the rare people who did not win my forgiveness). I can't hold a grudge to save my life unless the person has done something unspeakable to be or a friend or family member -  I can think of a few people I have grudges on. I respect everybody's point of view expect sometimes I don't agree with them.
Leo Temperament:
Leo loves the new and extraordinary, they despise dull, regular routines and if this is what they are faced with, they will simply create their own drama and excitement. This makes Leo prone to stir up a situation out of nowhere just for something to keep their vivacious temperament satisfied. Leo has an amazing ability to bounce back from any feelings of despair or unfortunate events. They do not like to be unhappy, it hurts their pride so they will take matters into their own hands and make things right again. Leos could come into conflict with other powerhouse type of people who will not take orders and not give an inch, Leos will not budge their opinion, they will understand and accept opinions of others but they do not take well to people to try to impose their beliefs on them. Leo most often have the temperament of a demanding, spoiled child but this is only shown if someone steps on the boundaries of their kingdom. They react this way because of their territoriality.

I have a love for things that are different - Religions founded on the basis of magic, people who's brains work in a more murder-centred way, androids and holo-glasses with promises of a holographic future. I hate dull things yes, boring everyday routines like, get up, eat, school, work, chips, tv, sleep. This is why I'd do anything for The Doctor to whisk me away from chips and telly and take me someplace far away. I do not create drama because my life feels dull. I hate creating drama, it causes unnecessary tension that I could do without if I'm honest. I hate being unhappy but seriously, does anyone like it? no, not really. If I've been feeling down, I'll try and cheer myself up as soon as I can because the feeling of unhappiness is one I know all too well and one that I don't want to be stuck with for a long duration. As I explained earlier, I will understand and accept those opinions that others had but if someone dare try to shove their opinion down my throat, then I'd have a problem. I hate people who try to do that even when I've said I understand and accept it but won't change my views. Demanding, spoiled little child? I' m sorry, you're clearly talking about the wrong person here. I don't feel like I act spoilt at all. I appreciate everything I have been given and everything  have.  
Leo Deep Inside:
Leos are extremely sensitive but they hide that very well. Leos love praise and flattery, their egos demand respect and adoration. Leo is all about pride. This can cause them to be self-centred but the warmth of the Leo heart keeps it under control. If Leo's audience (otherwise known as their friends) do not provide the needed appreciation, Leo is too proud to ask for it and they will suffer a hurt ego, but no one will ever know and they will suffer in silence. The secret of the Leo is that they need to be needed.

I'm not as thick skinned as I appear to be and negative comments have quite a long lasting effect on me. If you've said something nasty to me or about me, I won't ever forget it. I might forgive you but I don't forget - ever. The sad truth of me being under this star sign is I 'long or need to be needed'. I don't really know what to say, but, I suppose it is nice to know I have friends who rely on me and I will be there when they need me.
Leo in a Nutshell:
Leo is the lion, this well suited symbol represents Leo very well. They possess a kingdom which they protest and cherish. The are high esteemed, honorable and very devoted to themselves in particular! The kingdom could be anything from work to home to a partner, whatever it is, you rule it. Leo is always center stage and full of flair, they enjoy basking in the spotlight. A Leo always makes their presence known. Leo are full of energy that acts like a magnet for other people. Others are attracted to Leo's wit, charm, and what they have to say for they speak of things grand and very interesting. Leo will never settle for second best. They want only the best which can cause lavish excessive spending habits as they enjoy their life of luxury, which is all to easily justified by the grand and magnificent Leo! Public image is very important to Leo, with luxurious possessions and ways of life, this keeps the public image in high standing. They will do whatever it takes to protect their own reputation. Leos are very generous, kind and openhearted people. If a Leo is crossed, they will strike back with force but they are not one to hold a grudge, they easily forgive, forget and move on. Leos are always trying to make things right in the world, they have larger then life emotions and they need to feel like they have accomplished something at the end of the day. They react to situations with action instead of sitting back and thinking about it, they are not impulsive however because they look at the future and consider consequences of their actions. 

Where's my kingdom? If I possess a kingdom does that make me a queen? I am not devoted to myself for christ sakes! If I run a kingdom, I must be honourable to those in it and I assume that would be my friends. I do make me presence known sometimes, other times, blending into the background is okay too. I hate being put second best to someone because it really makes me feel like I'm not good enough. I don't have a reputation to keep. I don't 'lavish' in riches and a lovely lifestyle and if I do I don't show it off. I will be kind to people who deserve my kindness and sometimes to people who don't. Never get on the wrong side of me because you will regret it. Ask any of my friends, I hate arguing because I just want everything to be peaceful and right and I try to do that within my friendship group as I feel it's my job to keep everybody together.

Leo Love, Sex and Relationships
What it's like to date a Leo Woman:
The first step is to give her praise and adoration. The relationship will never work if she does not receive this from you. Do not look at other women when you are with her, she has to be the only one in your eyes. The thought of competition with other women completely turns her off, for she is marvelous and grand and better then any other woman (in her eyes)! Be prepared however to compete with other men. She attracts men, deliberately or not, because of her dazzling personality. She makes a good partner because she gives undying affection and love and makes you feel really mood about yourself. She is kind and supportive with an adventurous streak, she is always fun to be with. Leo woman will dominate,. But not completely for she still needs the man to lead the way and give her the desired sense of approval, she looks up to her man. Leo woman is perfect for the man who is affectionate and has a strong character but not too controlling. She needs someone who is passionate about everything in their life and who strives for the best in everything, because so does she.

I don't want to be adored I just wanted to be loved! I am incredibly jealous and will start to have second thoughts about someone if I think they are flirting with another girl. I hate being a jealous person. I do not attract men. I get about as much attention as a white crayon, so that, horoscope thingy, is bullshit. I am not domineering for crying out loud. In a relationship, I would hate to be in control, I feel like that is the man's job to lead me and I will look up to him for protection.
How To Attract Leo:
Admiration is key. Admire them ands they will be yours. Leo is a fairly easy sign to attract they are very receptive to advances and come ons. Give them compliments, dish them out in handfuls because Leos never think a compliment can go too far. Even if you are faking it, they don't care, the simply love the attention. Be funny, Leos love to be entertained and they love to laugh. If you can make them laugh, you're good! Leos like the grand things in life, treat them to a lavish dinner or a cultural upscale event. Always have the best of the best and never try to offer them second rate. They think nothing is too good for them, they like everything posh so dress classy and nice, and have a good night on the town with the charming Leo!

Don't admire me please. I hate being complimented because I don't know how to take it. I just go 'um, thanks'  really awkwardly because I almost feel like they aren't meant for me. I love a funny guy. If he can have my laughing for hours, he's good. No. A starlight picnic is enough for me. You don't need a fancy dinner or posh clothes to win me over.
Sex With Leo:
First impressions would tell you that Leo is all about the kinky and novelty, but that is not so. They are deeply sensual and passionate and enjoy posh surroundings, such as candles and scented oils and lots of affectionate physical contact such as massages and rubbing. They like sex to be familiar, not necessarily routine, but they like to know what's going on. This is because Leo always has to be the best and if there is a suggestion or something offered that they have never done before, they would rather pass on the chance then attempt it and be only satisfactory. Leo has mastered the moves he know, so do not be disappointed with the lack of novelty and variety, because Leo is very good at what they can do, they are the best. 
So apparently I'm not kinky I'm sensual and passionate. I hate oils, they are too oily. There is nothing sexy about oils. I have no idea about this section as I kind of can't speak from any experience at all. I don't really know who to respond to the rest of this category so perhaps I should end it here.

If you read your horoscope and following what your star sign says you should be, just remember - it's a guideline. The date and month you were born should not pre-determine who you are, your personality, what job suits you best or anything. Only you should determine that for yourself. Most horoscopes are worded in a certain way which makes them appealing and generalisable for most people. I could probably analyse another star sign and find that most of the personality traits that a person under this star sign should have, I have also.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and once again, you got to know me a little better. I like doing astrological posts and ones about occult, taboo or mystical things because they are so interesting to research and write about. Have a good weekend. I know it's Thursday and perhaps I'll post tomorrow as well, who knows. I have plenty of draft posts waiting to be developed...

Until Next Time - Allons-y!
Lollie xxx 

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